Eeeek A Bug! by "Cajun" David Richard   Two products have been updated in the last two months: Chiral and Barrack. Following is the list of fixed bugs in the two games: Chiral 1.0.4 • Fixed a bug in the Sound_Tool that would cause it to require Sound Manager 3.0, when in fact, it isn't needed. • Yea, that's it! Chiral 1.0.3 We also released a version of Chiral about a month prior to the release of 1.0.4. Here are the fixes: • Included a revised version of the 8 channel Sound_Tool that works better on lower-end Macs. • Fixed a bug that caused the menu bar to stay hidden upon quitting Chiral 1.0.2. • Removed eWorld (*sniff*) from the FAQs and Registration application. • Updated the version and FAQ information. Barrack 1.0.1 Barrack has also been upgraded and improved. Aside from the addition of the High Score Contest, we have also refined game play a little. For those of your who were complaining that the game play was taking too long, download this new version and you will be in for a new challenge. Conserve those lives... • Upgrade to Sound_Tool v1.1.3 brings significant speed increases. • High score contest implemented. • Scoring tweaks in upper levels. • Bosco is no longer harmful while in "death spin." • Bosco death bonus points are worth 10x while on "I keel you" rampages. • Bosco will not return until next level after death. • Fixed bug where sometimes greater than 100% would be tallied yielding huge overachiever bonuses. • Fixed bug where glass balls would sometimes get stuck together, repeatedly shattering. • Fixed bug where slicing apart extremely thin columns would sometimes cause freezes. • Fixed bug where isolating nuke balls during birth would cause them to just stop and flash. • Fixed bug where high scores would sometimes appear garbled. • Fixed sound/music volume adjustment problems and added sound/music toggle menu items. • FAQ updates. If you run into any further bugs that are not reported here, please send a complete report to